Athlete of the Week: Johnny Scott, Bolivar Basketball


One word keeps coming up when Bolivar boys basketball coach Robby Hoegh describes Johnny Scott.


And Johnny echoes that as soon as a reporter asks him to name his position.

“I’m a point guard on offense, and I usually guard the five or the four on defense,” he said.

That’s a combination few can claim. Hoegh doesn’t hesitate to drop one name who can.

“He’s a versatile player,” Hoegh said. “Sometimes we say he’s kind of a little bit of LeBron James.”

That’s lofty praise! But the Liberator senior lives up to it. He helped lead Bolivar to a Blue and Gold championship, and will be at the point during Bolivar’s run in the Tournament of Champions.

“Johnny is a catalyst for a lot of the stuff that we do,” Hoegh said. “He operates at the point, he operates at the forward position, so we’re moving him around constantly, both on offense and defense.”

As for Johnny himself, he doesn’t like to talk about… himself. His goals for the season were subtle, yet lofty.

“Playing as good as I can, doing what I can for the team,” he said. “Our team goal is always to get back to state.”

Bolivar made it to the state semifinals a year ago, and they have their sights sets on a title this season.

“It would mean the world to me,” Johnny said. “Growing up, watching them play basketball, I think it would mean a lot to my teammates as well, and my coaches. It’s always been a dream of ours.”

That hoop dream started in AAU, where he played on the Stars with several current Kickapoo standouts like Niekie Thomas-Fontleroy, Isaac Johnson, Cameron Davis and Jared Ridder. He remembers a conversation Hoegh had with his class during “fifth or sixth grade” that stuck with him.

“Coach Hoegh had to talk to us when we were in fifth or sixth grade, just saying how we were the next up and how were going to be really good playing together,” he said.

Hoegh describes Johnny as a tough player who will stand up for his teammates in a heartbeat, but underneath that…

“He’s got a heart that melts really, really easily,” he said. “He’s one of the most thankful players I’ve coached.”

And this year on the court could be his last.

Johnny committed to Northeastern State to play football, and said he’s not planning to play basketball in college. But his current hoop exploits make him our Ozone Athlete of the Week.

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