Garton puts final stamp on Republic with $8 million stadium

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He’s by no means is the only one responsible for the new on-campus athletic complex, but long-time Republic athletic director Greg Garton can retire next month knowing he left a major mark on his alma mater.

“This is something I’ve really kind of dreamed of and to be able to do it and retire makes me feel good and happy for our community and our kids to have something to be proud of,” said Garton.

Garton glowed as he showed off each detail of the soon-to-be-finished $8 million multi-purpose stadium.

He calls it the final piece of the high school campus, which he also helped design nearly ten years ago.

“I would put our campus as a whole from the high school to the athletic fields, the overall view, with any school in Southwest Missouri.”

The complex, which is being built with a “no tax increase” bond issue, replaces their current facility at the old high school, which will now be used exclusively for middle school events.  The old Price Field at Price Elementary will be torn down.

The development includes all-weather turf, 4,000 seats, doubling their previous amount, video board, expanded concessions and restrooms, more parking, state-of-the art lights and expanded press box.

It’s an improvement Garton believes keeps RHS up with the rest of the COC Large.

“Money can’t buy you success in athletics,” said Garton.  “It doesn’t guarantee wins, but it at least guarantees you a chance to be on equal footing with your competitors.”

And the stadium won’t be just for football.

“We’ll also play some soccer here, obviously we’ll have track meets here.  I’m really excited for our band, instead of marching in mud they’ll be able to be on the turf.”

No detail too small; even the Republic Tiger logo on the center of the field, which mirrors the Mizzou logo, is actually six yards wider than the one at Faurot Field.

“It stands out and it looks great!”

Bright orange and black, the final touches will be put on this gem over the next month.  It’s expected to be completed for practice in July with the grand opening at the 2018 football opener, Aug. 24 against Branson.

As a student, then athlete, later a coach and now the longest tenured AD in the conference, Republic is home for Garton.  This fall he officially hands over the administrative responsibilities to new athletic director Trevyor Fisher and principal Tyler Overstreet.

He looks forward to sitting in the stands on Friday nights and enjoying the beautiful campus he helped shape.

“I’ve spent 40 of my 54 years on this earth either as a student or an employee.  For me leaving the high school it’s just my second home.”

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