Licensed to TRXC Timing, LLC. - Contractor License HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/18/2019 08:14 PM Waynesville Varsity Invitational - 4/18/2019 Entries and Seeding by: TRXC Timing Waynesville High School Results Event 1 (G) H.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ Finals 1 Megan Vest JR Camdenton 5-02.00 4-10.00 10 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 PPP PPP PPP O O XO XXX 2 Alyssa Sims SR West Plains 4-08.00 4-10.00 8 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 PPP O O XXO O XO XXX 3 Kelly Lewis JR Licking 5-02.00 4-10.00 6 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 5-00 PPP PPP PPP O XO XXO XXX 4 Toni Patterson SO Liberty 4-10.00 4-08.00 4.50 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 PPP PPP O O O XXX 4 Mariah Mebruer SO Lebanon 5-04.00 4-08.00 4.50 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 O O O O O XXX 6 Abby O'Connor SR Lebanon 5-00.00 4-08.00 3 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 4-10 PPP PPP PPP XO XXO XXX 7 Cassidy Cunningham JR West Plains 4-10.00 4-06.00 2 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 PPP PPP PPP O XXX 8 Sydney Booker SO Steelville 4-09.00 4-06.00 1 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 4-08 O XO O XXO XXX 9 Audrey Currier JR Camdenton 4-10.00 4-04.00 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 O O XO XXX 9 Daryan Scharf SR Iberia 4-10.00 4-04.00 4-00 4-02 4-04 4-06 PPP O XO XXX 11 Kasey Richards FR Licking 4-08.00 4-02.00 4-00 4-02 4-04 O O XXX 12 Sydney Kunnemann SO Waynesville 4-04.00 4-00.00 4-00 4-02 O XXX Event 2 (B) H.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Jared Hyatt SO Waynesville 6-00.00 5-10.00 10 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 PPP PPP PPP O O O XXX 2 Aiden Brigman FR West Plains 6-00.00 5-06.00 8 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 O O XO O XXX 3 Eric Richardson FR Waynesville 6-00.00 5-06.00 6 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 PPP PPP PPP XO XXX 4 Caleb Falzone SO Lebanon 5-06.00 5-06.00 5 5-00 5-02 5-04 5-06 5-08 XO XO XO XO XXX 5 Garrell McGinley SR West Plains 5-06.00 5-02.00 3.50 5-00 5-02 5-04 O O XXX 5 Cody Dalton SR Dixon 5-04.00 5-02.00 3.50 5-00 5-02 5-04 O O XXX 7 Toby Brown FR Steelville 5-06.00 5-02.00 2 5-00 5-02 5-04 O XO XXX -- Elijah Keeney JR Licking 5-02.00 NH 5-00 XXX -- Connor Trella JR Iberia NH 5-00 XXX -- Riley Head SR Camdenton 5-04.00 NH 5-00 5-02 PPP XXX -- Tanner Roy JR Lebanon 6-00.00 NH 5-00 5-02 5-04 PPP PPP XXX Event 3 (G) P.V. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Molly Handley SR Waynesville 9-00.00 9-06.00 10 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP XO O O XO XXX 2 Shelby Kurtz JR Camdenton 9-06.00 9-00.00 8 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 O O XO XXX 3 Elizabeth McMahon FR Camdenton 8-00.00 8-06.00 6 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 9-00 PPP PPP PPP PPP O O O XXO XXX 4 Heather Leuthen SR Licking 7-06.00 7-06.00 5 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 PPP PPP O O O XXO XXX 5 Taylor Rogers FR West Plains 7-00.00 6-06.00 4 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 O PPP O O XXX 6 Shelbee Davis SO West Plains 6-06.00 6-06.00 3 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 7-00 O PPP O XO XXX 7 Bailey Shultz SO Waynesville 5-06.00 6-00.00 2 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 O PPP O XXX 8 Khuslen Munkhjargal FR Rolla 7-00.00 6-00.00 1 5-00 5-06 6-00 6-06 XXO PPP O XXX 9 Brooke Dillon FR Rolla 5-00.00 5-00 5-06 6-00 O PPP XXX Event 4 (B) P.V. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Nolan Bone SR Liberty 15-03.00 14-06.00 10 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 13-00 13-06 14-00 14-06 15-00 PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP O PPP O XXX 2 Dane Lapine SO Camdenton 13-06.00 13-00.00 8 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 13-00 13-06 PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP XXO O XO XXX 3 Chaney Martin JR West Plains 12-06.00 12-06.00 6 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 13-00 PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP O O XO XXX 4 William Overall SR Licking 12-06.00 12-00.00 5 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 PPP PPP PPP PPP O PPP O XXX 5 Joshua Lilly SR Licking 13-03.00 12-00.00 4 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 PPP PPP PPP PPP XO PPP XO XXX 6 Nick Johnson JR West Plains 12-00.00 11-06.00 3 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 PPP PPP PPP O XO XO XXX 7 Jesse Whittaker SR Waynesville 10-06.00 11-00.00 2 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 PPP PPP PPP O O XXX 8 Anthony Bledsoe JR Waynesville 11-06.00 11-00.00 1 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 PPP PPP PPP XO O XXX -- Trevor Wallis SR Steelville 8-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX -- Iain Wallace SO Rolla 8-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX -- Trevor Cox FR Rolla NH 9-00 XXX -- Robert Garner FR Lebanon 8-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX -- Cole Patten SO Lebanon 9-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX -- Maximus Thoenen FR Camdenton 10-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX -- Cole Hurd SO Steelville 9-06.00 NH 9-00 XXX Event 5 (G) L.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Hannah Hedrick JR Waynesville 16-08.00 16-01.00 10 14-09 14-07 16-01 15-11 2 Taylor Peoples SO Liberty 14-04.50 15-09.00 8 15-06 15-09 15-01 14-06 3 Karagan Bean FR Lebanon 14-06.50 15-03.00 6 FOUL 15-00 15-03 FOUL 4 Tomi Rose SO Licking 15-07.00 14-11.00 5 14-10 FOUL 13-11 14-11 5 Gracie Hutchinson SR Waynesville 14-11.00 14-09.00 4 13-04 FOUL FOUL 14-09 6 Amya Peterkin FR Lebanon 15-00.00 14-07.00 3 14-01 14-07 13-08 14-04 7 Miranda Hadfield SO Camdenton 13-11.25 14-06.00 2 13-08 13-11 14-06 14-01 8 Zainub Ahmed SR Liberty 14-05.00 14-05.00 1 13-07 13-06 14-01 14-05 9 Sydney Booker SO Steelville 15-00.00 14-05.00 14-05 FOUL FOUL 13-06 10 Katelyn Tibben FR Camdenton 15-11.50 14-01.00 13-07 14-01 14-00 13-10 11 Abigail Cole JR Licking 13-04.50 13-04.00 13-04 12-06 11-07 13-03 12 Emma Taylor FR Rolla 13-02.00 12-00 12-00 12-04 13-02 13 Haylee Woodall FR Steelville 12-03.00 12-05.00 12-03 12-05 12-02 12-03 14 Meadow Osborn FR Rolla 11-05.50 10-11.00 FOUL 10-11 FOUL 10-10 Event 6 (B) L.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Jeffrey Radichel SR Liberty 20-02.00 21-06.00 10 18-09 21-06 20-06 20-06 2 Jaylen Andrews JR Waynesville 22-00.50 20-03.00 8 20-03 20-00 FOUL 18-11 3 Copper Ezard SO Camdenton 20-00.00 20-03.00 6 19-09 19-03 20-03 19-08 4 Danyl McCullough JR Waynesville 21-05.75 19-06.00 5 FOUL 19-01 19-06 18-02 5 Bradley Noll SR Iberia 20-04.50 18-06.00 4 18-06 17-08 17-03 17-10 6 Corbin Heath SR West Plains 18-03.75 18-04.00 3 17-06 18-01 18-04 17-08 7 Hunter Rivera JR Steelville 19-09.00 17-11.00 2 17-11 17-06 17-09 17-10 8 Kameron Davis SR Liberty 16-04.00 17-10.00 1 17-05 17-10 16-06 FOUL 9 Walker McDermott SO Lebanon 17-05.50 17-08.00 17-05 17-03 17-08 17-03 10 Elijah Keeney JR Licking 16-02.50 17-00.00 17-00 FOUL 16-02 FOUL 11 Greyson Brown SR Lebanon 18-07.75 16-04.00 FOUL FOUL 15-03 16-04 12 Jonathan Ramirez JR Macks Creek 16-04.25 16-00.00 16-00 FOUL 15-08 14-06 13 Gavin Armstrong FR Rolla 15-05.50 15-01.00 15-00 14-09 15-01 13-11 14 Taylor Pense JR Rolla 15-05.00 14-02.00 FOUL 13-11 13-11 14-02 15 Gabriel Lantz FR Dixon 15-06.00 13-11.00 12-03 13-04 13-08 13-11 Event 7 (G) T.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Taylor Peoples SO Liberty 34-05.75 32-07.50 10 32-07.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL 2 Lauren Davis FR Steelville 33-06.50 32-06.50 8 29-05 31-04 32-06.50 31-04 3 Hannah Hedrick JR Waynesville 34-02.50 32-06.00 6 31-05 32-06 31-05.25 32-00 4 Skylyr Leake SR Lebanon 33-09.50 31-05.00 5 29-06.50 31-04.50 31-05 31-04.25 5 Alyssa Place SO Liberty 31-05.00 31-00.50 4 29-09.25 30-00 29-11 31-00.50 6 Maycee Roark SR Iberia 32-02.00 30-11.50 3 30-00.25 30-03.50 30-11.50 29-06.50 7 Kelly Lewis JR Licking 32-04.50 30-11.25 2 30-05.25 30-05.25 FOUL 30-11.25 8 Miranda Hadfield SO Camdenton 31-03.00 29-06.50 1 28-02.50 FOUL 29-06.50 29-00 9 Amya Peterkin FR Lebanon 32-03.00 29-01.00 FOUL 29-01 FOUL 29-00.50 10 Winter Murray FR Licking 29-06.00 28-10.00 FOUL 26-08 28-04 28-10 11 Sydney Kunnemann SO Waynesville 30-04.00 28-05.50 FOUL 28-00.50 28-05.50 27-05 12 Audrey Currier JR Camdenton 28-09.50 28-03.50 FOUL FOUL FOUL 28-03.50 Event 8 (B) T.J. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Jeffrey Radichel SR Liberty 44-02.75 42-10.25 10 42-08 42-05.75 42-10.25 41-07.50 2 Anthony Bledsoe JR Waynesville 43-01.50 42-02.00 8 41-00.50 38-06.25 42-02 42-00 3 Carter Martin JR West Plains 40-05.50 39-08.50 6 38-04 38-08.50 38-08.50 39-08.50 4 Copper Ezard SO Camdenton 41-09.00 38-10.00 5 38-00 37-04 37-05 38-10 5 Jaylen Andrews JR Waynesville 40-05.50 38-05.00 4 FOUL FOUL 38-05 FOUL 6 Bradley Noll SR Iberia 40-01.50 37-02.00 3 36-11 37-02 35-03 35-11 7 Timothy McDermott SR Lebanon 37-10.00 36-03.00 2 36-00 36-01 36-03 35-10.50 8 Toby Brown FR Steelville 36-01.25 35-07.50 1 33-01.50 35-07.50 35-06.50 35-05 9 Walker McDermott SO Lebanon 35-06.50 34-04.00 34-04 34-04 33-08 33-05 10 Wyatt Cox FR Rolla 34-00.50 32-11.50 31-03 31-02.50 32-11.50 FOUL 11 Leighton D'Mellow FR Dixon 27-07.50 29-06.00 29-06 FOUL 29-04 FOUL 12 Gabriel Lantz FR Dixon 28-09.25 28-05.00 FOUL 28-05 FOUL FOUL 13 John Sutton FR Rolla 27-04.00 26-11.00 26-06.50 26-07 26-01 26-11 Event 9 (G) Discus ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Abagail Moncrief JR Licking 98-10 95-04 10 90-02 95-04 FOUL 92-02 2 Madelyn Dye FR Waynesville 100-09 91-02 8 91-02 82-04 77-06 FOUL 3 Bailie Joyner JR Licking 98-04 88-00 6 88-00 83-07 83-02 FOUL 4 Adelyn Enos FR Camdenton 92-02 81-03 5 81-03 FOUL 78-01 57-02 5 Abigail Reed SR Liberty 82-00 80-03 4 80-03 75-06 79-05 78-08 6 Katy Pitts SO Camdenton 82-05 78-07 3 78-07 70-01 64-08 FOUL 7 Maggie Davidson JR West Plains 101-07 78-04 2 77-00 77-00 FOUL 78-04 8 Lydia Sexton SO Steelville 71-01 78-01 1 66-00 53-03 78-01 63-03 9 Brooke Sheaffer FR Lebanon 66-04 72-02 72-02 69-10 64-11 FOUL 10 Danisha Bost SO Waynesville 74-00 70-04 64-03 70-04 FOUL 60-11 11 Jayda Mercer SO Steelville 77-11 67-09 59-07 53-09 67-09 67-01 12 Cloey Collins FR West Plains 66-01 55-08 66-01 58-03 54-07 13 Harley Deardeuff SO Iberia 73-03 64-09 FOUL 64-02 64-09 61-08 14 Halle Heltz FR Dixon 64-11 64-06 63-01 63-08 64-06 61-00 15 Mia Eshoo SR Liberty 63-11 58-10 55-03 58-10 54-03 51-05 16 Halle Long FR Lebanon 58-06 58-06 57-08 50-09 53-05 17 Helen Weiss FR Rolla 52-06 52-10 44-01 33-06 47-10 52-10 18 Julie Hindmon FR Dixon 43-02 44-07 FOUL 44-07 FOUL 36-06 19 Cieanna Earney FR Macks Creek 41-10 39-03 39-03 36-00 FOUL 38-10 20 Courtney Kelley SR Rolla 35-04 33-00 32-10 33-00 31-07 28-04 Event 10 (B) Discus ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Timothy Brech SR Waynesville 123-00 128-02 10 128-02 FOUL FOUL 122-05 2 Ryan Brothers SR Iberia 128-07 126-01 8 114-07 126-01 109-09 119-06 3 Ian Hammock SR Iberia 124-05 118-06 6 110-06 112-10 118-06 115-07 4 Ryan Maasen JR Camdenton 131-05 118-03 5 112-02 117-05 99-03 118-03 5 Garett Tolly SR Steelville 114-08 113-01 4 112-02 111-04 113-01 FOUL 6 Trent Bass SR Steelville 107-08 107-08 3 98-02 106-11 97-06 107-08 7 Jakob Sheldon JR Waynesville 111-04 107-06 2 104-00 107-04 107-06 104-08 8 Anthony Pham JR West Plains 100-10 102-06 1 94-07 102-06 90-00 81-03 9 Tyson Reathaford SO Dixon 116-09 95-11 83-09 90-00 76-10 95-11 10 Landon Smith JR Lebanon 106-05 91-00 83-04 91-00 FOUL FOUL 11 Zachary Smith FR Lebanon 80-03 84-01 84-01 FOUL 45-07 78-04 12 Cody Thompson JR Macks Creek 79-09 82-05 78-02 82-05 69-00 73-06 13 David Harry SO Liberty 69-03 80-00 80-00 71-06 78-01 77-00 14 Elias Woodard SO West Plains 94-06 77-01 77-01 FOUL FOUL FOUL 15 Kaiedon Bentch JR Macks Creek 93-05 70-10 70-08 70-10 67-01 65-05 16 Holden Perry SO Dixon 78-05 68-11 68-11 65-08 41-06 55-08 17 Quinn Beaugard FR Rolla 66-00 65-08 57-05 45-08 65-08 62-07 18 Warren Gann FR Liberty 78-10 59-11 FOUL 59-11 FOUL FOUL Event 11 (G) Shot Put ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Jaclyn White SO Camdenton 33-07.50 30-06.50 10 29-11.50 30-06.50 29-02 29-11 2 Lydia Sexton SO Steelville 31-00.00 30-05.50 8 FOUL 30-00 29-11 30-05.50 3 Abagail Moncrief JR Licking 32-11.75 30-04.00 6 30-03 29-11 30-04 FOUL 4 Taylor Beckley SO Lebanon 31-11.00 30-01.50 5 28-08 29-02 28-08 30-01.50 5 Madelyn Dye FR Waynesville 32-06.00 29-08.50 4 29-00 28-02 28-04.50 29-08.50 6 Kelsey Bonham SO West Plains 29-03.50 29-03.00 3 28-05 27-07.50 28-07.50 29-03 7 Abigail Reed SR Liberty 29-08.25 29-02.00 2 28-08 26-11 28-02 29-02 8 Anna Meeks SO West Plains 28-04.00 1 22-08 26-01 26-07 28-04 9 Jamiah Reese JR Waynesville 31-06.50 27-10.00 27-05 25-10.50 27-10 26-10 10 Bailie Joyner JR Licking 30-01.00 27-07.00 25-03 27-03.50 24-11.50 27-07 11 Jayda Mercer SO Steelville 27-04.00 27-05.00 26-01 26-02 27-05 25-00.50 12 Katy Pitts SO Camdenton 30-04.00 27-02.00 26-04.50 26-07.50 27-02 26-08 13 Halle Long FR Lebanon 22-02.25 26-06.00 26-06 24-00 25-11 24-09.50 14 Halle Heltz FR Dixon 24-07.50 23-11.50 23-11.50 23-01 23-04 15 Paige McDowell FR Iberia 25-00.00 23-09.00 23-06 23-09 22-03 23-03 16 Alyssa Coleman SO Liberty 25-07.75 23-04.00 23-04 23-00 23-02 23-04 17 Katie Shreve SO Iberia 24-00.50 21-00.00 20-06 20-04 20-00 21-00 18 Madeline Butler FR Dixon 19-09.50 19-10.00 19-10 16-03 17-09.50 19 Courtney Kelley SR Rolla 21-02.00 19-08.00 17-10 19-07 17-05 19-08 20 Helen Weiss FR Rolla 19-07.00 19-03.00 19-03 17-02 17-04 17-02 Event 12 (B) Shot Put ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Mason Kinney JR Camdenton 46-08.00 41-00.00 10 39-04 40-02.50 41-00 39-10 2 Blake Degner SR Liberty 43-03.00 40-11.50 8 FOUL 40-04 38-11 40-11.50 3 Ryan Maasen JR Camdenton 44-10.00 39-03.00 6 37-08.50 37-03 38-01 39-03 4 Tyler Davis FR Steelville 38-00.00 36-10.00 5 36-00.50 35-00.50 36-10 36-07 5 Gabe Plemmons SO Iberia 41-04.00 35-09.00 4 35-05 35-08 35-09 FOUL 6 Tye Yeh FR Liberty 33-06.00 35-04.50 3 31-02 32-09 32-08 35-04.50 7 Tristan Wilson FR Lebanon 36-03.00 35-02.00 2 35-02 34-03.50 34-01 33-06 8 Garett Tolly SR Steelville 36-09.00 34-10.50 1 34-10.50 34-01 FOUL FOUL 9 Sebastian Agnew SR West Plains 37-01.50 34-09.00 34-09 34-05 34-09 32-11 10 Sebastian Rogers SO West Plains 38-07.25 34-09.00 34-09 34-00 34-06.50 34-03.50 11 Ian Williams JR Waynesville 40-03.00 34-04.00 FOUL 32-11.50 FOUL 34-04 12 Samuel Haney FR Lebanon 36-10.75 33-10.50 33-06 32-07.50 33-10.50 FOUL 13 Tyson Reathaford SO Dixon 36-03.00 32-09.00 32-09 32-03 30-00 32-04 14 Anthony Zuber SR Waynesville 33-02.00 J32-09.00 32-09 29-11 28-05 FOUL 15 Cody Thompson JR Macks Creek 33-03.00 32-05.00 32-05 30-10 31-04.50 31-11 16 Michael Clark FR Rolla 26-08.00 28-07.00 28-04 25-00 26-11 28-07 17 Holden Perry SO Dixon 28-07.00 26-00.00 24-08.50 25-08.50 26-00 24-08 18 Rodney Atkinson SR Rolla 24-08.50 24-01 21-09 23-00 24-08.50 Event 13 (G) Javelin ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Haylee Woodall FR Steelville 106-10 98-07 10 98-07 85-09 95-10 2 Anuhea Makanani SR Waynesville 77-00 86-10 8 76-08 73-07 86-10 3 Anna Meeks SO West Plains 61-09 86-04 6 80-02 86-04 83-05 4 Megan Vest JR Camdenton 92-01 85-06 5 67-11 84-06 85-06 5 Allison Farnham SO Iberia 61-00 83-00 4 83-00 66-11 64-09 6 Quincy Glendenning FR Lebanon 75-07 80-10 3 67-05 80-10 73-09 7 Isabella Pondrom SO Waynesville 93-01 79-11 2 67-09 75-11 79-11 8 Mia Eshoo SR Liberty 82-00 76-10 1 69-09 76-10 66-00 9 Mercedes Keith SO Lebanon 76-05 75-07 71-08 67-00 75-07 10 Jayda Mercer SO Steelville 95-00 75-04 72-10 75-04 73-02 11 Maggie Merz JR Liberty 66-07 63-03 55-09 60-07 63-03 12 Paige McDowell FR Iberia 60-00 60-09 57-10 54-09 60-09 13 Courtney Kelley SR Rolla 59-01 56-08 56-08 55-01 53-10 14 Jaclyn White SO Camdenton 73-07 55-04 48-00 55-04 49-05 15 Halle Heltz FR Dixon 55-03 49-01 48-09 43-07 49-01 16 Patricia Monell SO Dixon 40-02 45-07 45-04 39-09 45-07 17 Helen Weiss FR Rolla 40-02 43-00 24-02 43-00 34-07 Event 14 (B) Javelin ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Trenton Flug SR Camdenton 168-08 158-06 10 151-10 157-11 158-06 2 Garett Tolly SR Steelville 147-09 147-01 8 136-04 147-01 137-05 3 Braden Perry SR Dixon 149-09 144-11 6 144-11 142-04 129-10 4 Mason Kinney JR Camdenton 153-04 142-02 5 142-02 137-10 FOUL 5 Timothy Brech SR Waynesville 140-06 137-07 4 137-02 137-07 136-05 6 Titus Seley SO West Plains 133-04 136-03 3 134-10 128-10 136-03 7 Kyrien Edwards JR Waynesville 146-00 135-05 2 122-02 FOUL 135-05 8 Antonio Rogers SO Lebanon 119-10 126-11 1 FOUL 126-11 123-02 9 Tyson Reathaford SO Dixon 128-04 123-11 91-06 123-11 118-00 10 Conner Rackley JR West Plains 112-09 112-11 FOUL 112-11 FOUL 11 Levi Gray SO Steelville 126-03 111-11 111-11 109-11 110-01 12 Tyler Wallen FR Rolla 104-05 102-06 92-09 102-06 92-10 13 Presley Cottongim SO Lebanon 129-04 98-07 94-09 FOUL 98-07 14 Johannes Woelk SO Rolla 62-05 86-11 86-11 65-09 65-06 15 Tye Yeh FR Liberty 96-11 79-11 79-11 61-01 74-06 16 Warren Gann FR Liberty 80-07 71-01 71-01 57-02 63-02 Event 15 (G) 4x800 M. R. ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 West Plains 10:05.83 10:01.73 10 1) Mia Harris JR 2) Kaylee Hatley SR 3) Jayna Gunter FR 4) Megan Donahue SR 2:30.088 (2:30.088) 4:58.699 (2:28.612) 7:31.532 (2:32.833) 10:01.726 (2:30.194) 2 Liberty (Wentzville) 10:08.78 10:29.87 8 1) Ally Kruger FR 2) Hannah Rossman SO 3) Olivia Guffey SO 4) Halima Larhdiri SO 2:42.881 (2:42.881) 5:31.501 (2:48.620) 7:56.437 (2:24.937) 10:29.868 (2:33.432) 3 Waynesville 10:43.44 10:34.40 6 1) Madelyn Newsom JR 2) Chambre Garcia SO 3) Makkah Mujahid SR 4) Tessa Scott FR 2:33.332 (2:33.332) 5:10.912 (2:37.580) 7:53.014 (2:42.103) 10:34.399 (2:41.385) 4 Steelville 10:59.68 11:05.38 5 1) Alyssa Church SO 2) Breann Church FR 3) Lauren Davis FR 4) Allie Gibbs SR 2:35.039 (2:35.039) 5:29.254 (2:54.215) 8:23.783 (2:54.529) 11:05.377 (2:41.594) 5 Lebanon 10:53.14 11:13.45 4 1) Myah Hough FR 2) Skyla Sien FR 3) Juliane Lopez FR 4) Maddie Jay FR 2:44.533 (2:44.533) 5:43.624 (2:59.092) 8:34.003 (2:50.379) 11:13.446 (2:39.443) Event 16 (B) 4x800 M. R. ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 West Plains 8:07.20 8:32.27 10 1) Wesley Laughary JR 2) Zachary Finley JR 3) Riley Simpson SO 4) Colby Soulier SO 2:05.586 (2:05.586) 4:10.917 (2:05.332) 6:23.015 (2:12.098) 8:32.266 (2:09.252) 2 Camdenton 8:39.84 8:50.11 8 1) Zachary Davis JR 2) Garrett Mason SR 3) Jake Thoenen JR 4) Benjamin Hauck FR 2:05.333 (2:05.333) 4:15.678 (2:10.345) 6:31.413 (2:15.735) 8:50.105 (2:18.692) 3 Waynesville 8:48.74 10:07.57 6 1) James Dukas SR 2) Evan Nitchman JR 3) Arnel Serrano SO 4) Alejandro Malave FR 2:34.613 (2:34.613) 4:54.057 (2:19.444) 7:28.110 (2:34.053) 10:07.570 (2:39.460) 4 Licking 9:41.44 10:27.47 5 1) Jarrett Huff FR 2) Jacob Huff SO 3) Randall Hock FR 4) Adam Trump SO 2:40.341 (2:40.341) 5:26.692 (2:46.352) 8:06.566 (2:39.874) 10:27.465 (2:20.899) 5 Rolla 10:53.73 10:28.59 4 1) John Bramer FR 2) Guadalupe Rodriguez FR 3) Johnathan Carlson JR 4) John Lashley FR 2:27.941 (2:27.941) 5:11.036 (2:43.095) 7:56.917 (2:45.882) 10:28.583 (2:31.667) Event 17 (G) 100 M. H. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Natalie Basham SR Camdenton 15.37 15.70 2 10 2 Megan McCrackin FR West Plains 17.52 17.53 2 8 3 Jaylee Mincey SR West Plains 17.38 17.60 2 6 4 Oasia Goodell JR Waynesville 17.34 17.77 2 5 5 Kaylee Gambill FR Waynesville 18.04 18.00 2 4 6 Grace Edwards JR Iberia 18.83 18.76 2 3 18.758 7 Maggie Cline JR Licking 18.34 18.76 2 2 18.760 8 Rebecca Albritton FR Dixon 20.64 19.51 1 1 9 Chlorie Ashton FR Iberia 19.39 19.55 1 10 Meghan Coyle SO Liberty 19.21 19.57 2 11 Kaylee Brooks FR Steelville 20.04 20.47 1 12 Samara Lewis FR Rolla 20.84 21.04 1 13 Meadow Osborn FR Rolla 20.52 21.30 1 Event 18 (B) 110 M. H. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Parker Wormek SO Camdenton 15.58 16.00 2 10 2 Bruce Jordan SR Liberty 16.00 16.86 2 8 16.851 3 Albert Williams SR Waynesville 16.62 16.86 2 6 16.854 4 Chaney Martin JR West Plains 16.41 17.23 2 5 5 Dawson Zimdars SR Lebanon 17.11 17.34 2 4 6 Mickey Long SR Steelville 17.73 18.01 2 3 7 David Wins FR Waynesville 18.16 18.14 2 2 8 Brayden Blackman SO Camdenton 17.54 18.17 2 1 9 Colby Marr SO Dixon 18.52 18.50 1 10 Tyler Chambers SR Licking 18.90 19.07 1 11 Hunter Rivera JR Steelville 19.05 19.70 1 12 Obediah Tower FR Macks Creek 19.65 20.21 1 13 Tyler Wallen FR Rolla 20.42 21.18 1 14 DeSaun Williams FR Rolla 20.24 21.53 1 Event 19 (G) 100 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Destiny Peterson FR Waynesville 13.24 13.33 3 10 2 Karlie Wooten FR Liberty 13.08 13.35 3 8 3 Alyssa Winterstein JR Waynesville 13.75 13.73 3 6 4 Harper Rollins FR Iberia 14.05 13.99 2 5 5 Jasmine Williams SO West Plains 13.65 14.02 3 4 6 Maggie Mebruer SO Lebanon 13.37 14.08 3 3 7 Tomi Rose SO Licking 13.74 14.26 3 2 8 Cheyenne Brotherton SO West Plains 14.32 14.57 2 1 9 Aubree Enos JR Camdenton 13.84 14.66 3 10 Rebecca Albritton FR Dixon 14.34 14.81 2 11 Emily Winfrey SO Lebanon 14.40 14.82 2 12 Winter Murray FR Licking 14.01 15.03 3 13 Autumn Miller FR Macks Creek 14.28 15.08 2 14 Toni Patterson SO Liberty 14.82 15.12 2 15 Rylie McMillian SO Iberia 14.24 15.18 2 16 Alyssa Cash SO Dixon 15.47 15.80 1 17 Madalyn Mcpherson SR Steelville 15.17 15.81 2 18 Danielle West FR Rolla 15.44 16.12 1 19 Cieanna Earney FR Macks Creek 17.76 18.48 1 Event 20 (B) 100 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Jadin Faulconer SO Camdenton 11.54 11.48 3 10 2 Eli Griffin SO Camdenton 11.20 11.55 3 8 3 Kaiden Tripp JR Waynesville 11.39 11.71 3 6 4 Jarrin McKeithen SR Liberty 11.52 11.74 3 5 5 Kaelen O'Connor JR Lebanon 11.18 11.81 3 4 6 Eric Richardson FR Waynesville 11.62 11.92 3 3 7 Cainan Hutsell SR Licking 11.90 12.01 3 2 12.004 8 Tyler Cotton SO Liberty 11.65 12.01 3 1 12.005 9 Jordan Bohannan JR Lebanon 12.14 12.25 2 10 Myles Coats JR Iberia 12.01 12.36 2 11 Xavier Reese FR Rolla 12.34 12.40 2 12 John Zollman SO Dixon 12.44 12.56 2 13 Travin Weed SO Dixon 12.33 12.57 2 14 Brayden Jungferman SO Iberia 12.36 12.81 2 15 Seth Barton JR Steelville 12.62 13.01 1 16 Connor Curtis SO Rolla 12.72 13.24 1 17 Daniel Strutz SO Macks Creek 13.16 13.35 1 18 Jonathan Ramirez JR Macks Creek 13.57 14.04 1 Event 21 (G) 4x200 M. R. ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Waynesville 1:50.98 1:53.43 10 1) Afatia Poinsette SR 2) Alyssa Winterstein JR 3) Destiny Peterson FR 4) Astacia Garcia SO 2 Lebanon 1:51.54 1:53.85 8 1) Ashlynn Leochner JR 2) Avery Hays JR 3) Kiara Waterman JR 4) Mariah Mebruer SO 3 Iberia 1:54.57 1:56.16 6 1) Rylie McMillian SO 2) Maycee Roark SR 3) Makayla Hall SR 4) Harper Rollins FR 4 Liberty (Wentzville) 1:54.83 1:56.61 5 1) Taylor Peoples SO 2) Lamonya' Lathon JR 3) Jessica Boyer SR 4) Kailey Cain SO 5 West Plains 2:00.86 2:04.29 4 1) Emilee Dougherty SO 2) Alyssa Sims SR 3) Sadie Hutchinson SO 4) Jaylee Mincey SR 6 Licking 1:57.41 2:04.92 3 1) Maggie Cline JR 2) Abigail Cole JR 3) Winter Murray FR 4) Kelly Lewis JR 7 Steelville 2:03.59 2:07.41 2 1) Grace Bair SO 2) Madalyn Mcpherson SR 3) Kaylee Brooks FR 4) Haylee Woodall FR 8 Rolla 2:09.37 2:12.94 1 1) Emma Taylor FR 2) Meadow Osborn FR 3) Khuslen Munkhjargal FR 4) Brooke Dillon FR Event 22 (B) 4x200 M. R. ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Waynesville 1:32.24 1:37.78 10 1) Devon Warren SR 2) Desmond Dawkins SR 3) Cameron Cavalier SR 4) Kaiden Tripp JR 2 Camdenton 1:35.90 1:37.82 8 1) Eli Griffin SO 2) Talon Randazzo JR 3) Robert Nicklas JR 4) Jadin Faulconer SO 3 Licking 1:37.79 1:39.41 6 1) Tyler Chambers SR 2) Elijah Keeney JR 3) Joshua Lilly SR 4) Kasen Monds SR 4 Steelville 1:40.03 1:39.68 5 1) Paul Pitts SR 2) Garrett Marshall SR 3) Rylee Mabe JR 4) Kadin Norris JR 5 Iberia 1:40.11 1:42.40 4 1) Zachary Cline JR 2) Myles Coats JR 3) Brayden Jungferman SO 4) Jason McDowell JR 6 Dixon 1:47.57 1:45.74 3 1) Holden Perry SO 2) John Zollman SO 3) Travin Weed SO 4) Aiden Poole FR -- Rolla 1:43.47 DQ out of zone 1-2 1) Wyatt Cox FR 2) Dathan Mickem JR 3) Kaleb Jones SO 4) Xavier Reese FR -- West Plains 1:39.33 DQ out of zone 2-3 1) Teagan Adams SO 2) Lane Jett SR 3) Sean Tinsley FR 4) Brayden Lidgaurd JR Event 23 (G) 1600 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Mia Harris JR West Plains 5:35.67 5:30.17 10 2 Megan Donahue SR West Plains 5:31.11 5:33.27 8 3 Madelyn Newsom JR Waynesville 5:44.24 5:40.99 6 4 Allie Gibbs SR Steelville 5:42.32 5:42.95 5 5 Alyssa Church SO Steelville 5:51.39 5:55.08 4 6 Abbigael Woods JR Liberty 6:07.14 5:56.57 3 7 Chambre Garcia SO Waynesville 6:07.95 6:03.66 2 8 Olivia Guffey SO Liberty 6:10.00 6:07.74 1 9 Molly Phillips FR Macks Creek 6:16.54 6:12.40 10 Paige Spencer SO Iberia 6:06.72 6:12.46 11 Kasey Richards FR Licking 6:16.11 6:25.41 12 Maddie Jay FR Lebanon 6:20.37 6:40.07 Event 24 (B) 1600 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Colby Sanders SR West Plains 4:31.71 4:24.81 10 2 Caleb Boys SR West Plains 4:26.99 4:29.62 8 3 Bryan O'Barr SO Waynesville 4:40.96 4:36.92 6 4 Keegan Black SR Licking 4:48.34 4:49.88 5 5 Ty Merseal SO Steelville 4:48.40 4:51.45 4 6 Angel Pedroza-Vasquez SO Lebanon 4:48.70 4:51.50 3 7 Victor Daos SR Waynesville 4:49.96 4:52.19 2 8 Luis Pedroza-Vasquez SO Lebanon 5:02.54 4:58.45 1 9 Jarrett Huff FR Licking 5:02.74 5:07.42 10 Jonathan Rohlf FR Liberty 5:16.40 5:14.90 11 Diego Jurado SO Liberty 5:16.70 5:15.65 12 Korbin Bocanegra SO Steelville 6:10.32 6:01.00 13 John Lashley FR Rolla 6:10.08 14 Tristan Lietz SR Rolla 6:24.01 6:17.34 -- Kaden Anderson SO Dixon 5:17.69 DNF Event 25 (G) 4x100 M. R. =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Lebanon 51.20 51.73 2 10 1) Jocee Pettyjohn FR 2) Maggie Mebruer SO 3) Kiara Waterman JR 4) Jenna Glendenning JR 2 Camdenton 51.74 52.06 2 8 1) Katheryne Blackman SR 2) Megan Vest JR 3) Shelby Kurtz JR 4) Natalie Basham SR 3 Waynesville 52.44 52.91 2 6 1) Afatia Poinsette SR 2) Alyssa Winterstein JR 3) Destiny Peterson FR 4) Gracie Hutchinson SR 4 Steelville 55.55 56.74 2 5 1) Grace Bair SO 2) Lauren Davis FR 3) Sydney Booker SO 4) Laine Cottrell SO 5 Licking 55.70 57.12 1 4 1) Maggie Cline JR 2) Kelly Lewis JR 3) Winter Murray FR 4) Tomi Rose SO 6 Rolla 59.34 1:01.42 1 3 1) Emma Taylor FR 2) Meadow Osborn FR 3) Khuslen Munkhjargal FR 4) Brooke Dillon FR -- Macks Creek 57.28 DQ 1 out of zone 3-4 1) Madeline Phillips SR 2) Molly Phillips FR 3) Autumn Miller FR 4) Adriana Mayer FR -- West Plains 51.94 DQ 2 out of zone 3-4 1) Yasmine Brashers FR 2) Jasmine Williams SO 3) Cassidy Cunningham JR 4) Megan McCrackin FR -- Liberty (Wentzville) 53.98 DQ 2 out of zone 2-3 1) Taylor Peoples SO 2) Lamonya' Lathon JR 3) Jessica Boyer SR 4) Kailey Cain SO Event 26 (B) 4x100 M. R. =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Waynesville 44.04 44.54 2 10 1) Eric Richardson FR 2) Desmond Dawkins SR 3) Cameron Cavalier SR 4) Kaiden Tripp JR 2 Liberty (Wentzville) 44.11 44.57 2 8 1) Joseph Lopez SR 2) Jeffrey Radichel SR 3) Nolan Bone SR 4) Jarrin McKeithen SR 3 Lebanon 44.84 45.18 2 6 1) Kaelen O'Connor JR 2) Marcus Wagner SR 3) Tanner Roy JR 4) Jordan Bohannan JR 4 Camdenton 44.04 45.40 2 5 1) Eli Griffin SO 2) Talon Randazzo JR 3) Robert Nicklas JR 4) Jadin Faulconer SO 5 West Plains 45.91 46.51 2 4 1) Titus Seley SO 2) Corbin Heath SR 3) Garrell McGinley SR 4) Brayden Lidgaurd JR 6 Steelville 48.02 47.80 1 3 1) Paul Pitts SR 2) Garrett Marshall SR 3) Rylee Mabe JR 4) Kadin Norris JR 7 Licking 47.53 48.55 2 2 1) Elijah Keeney JR 2) Joshua Lilly SR 3) Kasen Monds SR 4) Tyler Chambers SR 8 Rolla 49.54 49.93 1 1 1) Kaleb Jones SO 2) Dathan Mickem JR 3) Wyatt Cox FR 4) Xavier Reese FR 9 Dixon 59.24 50.25 1 1) Travin Weed SO 2) John Zollman SO 3) Cody Dalton SR 4) Aiden Poole FR Event 27 (G) 400 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Karlie Wooten FR Liberty 1:02.13 1:00.92 2 10 2 Astacia Garcia SO Waynesville 1:03.65 1:03.90 2 8 3 Tyra Rogers JR Lebanon 1:10.00 1:05.20 1 6 4 Makkah Mujahid SR Waynesville 1:06.84 1:05.94 2 5 5 Halima Larhdiri SO Liberty 1:09.34 1:07.28 2 4 6 Katelyn Tibben FR Camdenton 1:05.24 1:07.31 2 3 7 Katie Sandgren FR West Plains 1:05.80 1:07.99 2 2 8 Natalie Stewart FR West Plains 1:07.28 1:08.49 2 1 9 Riley Bartel FR Lebanon 1:10.47 1:11.15 1 10 Abigail Cole JR Licking 1:09.90 1:11.74 1 11 Kaylee Brooks FR Steelville 1:13.84 1:13.35 1 12 Heather Leuthen SR Licking 1:13.67 1:16.91 1 Event 28 (B) 400 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Zach Jamieson JR Lebanon 53.25 52.98 3 10 2 Manuel Del-Rio Vasquez SR Lebanon 53.94 53.28 3 8 3 Colby Soulier SO West Plains 54.84 53.95 3 6 4 Kameron Davis SR Liberty 54.28 54.44 3 5 5 Wesley Laughary JR West Plains 54.54 54.49 3 4 6 Xavier Ingram SO Liberty 54.27 55.66 3 3 7 Johnathan Carlson JR Rolla 56.23 56.67 2 2 8 Danyl McCullough JR Waynesville 53.14 56.89 3 1 9 Johnathan Fobish SR Waynesville 58.72 57.68 2 10 Kasen Monds SR Licking 55.80 57.72 2 11 Zachary Davis JR Camdenton 57.39 58.10 2 12 Ryan Brothers SR Iberia 57.09 58.42 2 13 Toby Brown FR Steelville 58.02 58.63 2 14 Zachary Cline JR Iberia 57.93 58.94 2 15 Braden Perry SR Dixon 58.44 59.84 2 16 Gabriel Lantz FR Dixon 1:02.04 1:01.06 1 17 Adam Trump SO Licking 1:03.57 1:03.91 1 18 John Lashley FR Rolla 1:03.99 1 Event 29 (G) 300 M. H. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Natalie Basham SR Camdenton 46.38 47.69 2 10 2 Oasia Goodell JR Waynesville 52.21 51.25 2 8 3 Megan McCrackin FR West Plains 51.79 51.96 2 6 4 Laine Cottrell SO Steelville 51.08 52.00 2 5 5 Kaylee Gambill FR Waynesville 51.74 52.22 2 4 6 Ashley Tuma SR West Plains 54.24 53.23 1 3 7 Madeline Phillips SR Macks Creek 54.40 53.32 1 2 8 Maggie Cline JR Licking 51.34 53.82 2 1 9 Meghan Coyle SO Liberty 55.29 55.59 1 10 Grace Edwards JR Iberia 53.44 57.01 2 11 Samara Lewis FR Rolla 1:09.77 1:05.73 1 Event 30 (B) 300 M. H. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Parker Wormek SO Camdenton 40.92 41.78 3 10 2 Bruce Jordan SR Liberty 42.60 42.76 3 8 3 Cordell Zebel SO Lebanon 42.54 43.10 3 6 4 Chaney Martin JR West Plains 42.45 43.80 3 5 5 Brayden Blackman SO Camdenton 43.13 43.96 3 4 6 Albert Williams SR Waynesville 46.04 45.30 2 3 7 Tyler Chambers SR Licking 46.04 45.53 2 2 8 Teagan Adams SO West Plains 43.89 45.65 3 1 9 Mickey Long SR Steelville 46.03 46.02 3 10 Hunter Rivera JR Steelville 44.97 46.34 3 11 Colby Marr SO Dixon 46.39 47.96 2 12 Cole Patten SO Lebanon 48.04 48.73 2 13 Obediah Tower FR Macks Creek 47.24 49.06 2 14 Nathaniel Clark SR Waynesville 52.68 49.78 1 15 Robert Richards FR Licking 50.62 50.53 2 16 Richard Lawing FR Rolla 51.19 1 17 Tyler Wallen FR Rolla 52.63 54.32 1 Event 31 (G) 800 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Megan Venturella FR Liberty 2:32.00 2:33.71 10 1:16.150 (1:16.150) 2:33.702 (1:17.553) 2 Megan Chambers JR Liberty 2:33.00 2:33.84 8 1:16.754 (1:16.754) 2:33.834 (1:17.080) 3 Makkah Mujahid SR Waynesville 2:35.89 2:35.10 6 1:16.114 (1:16.114) 2:35.092 (1:18.979) 4 Jordan Kantola FR West Plains 2:44.95 2:35.55 5 1:15.872 (1:15.872) 2:35.541 (1:19.669) 5 Kaylee Lambe FR West Plains 2:37.45 2:36.50 4 1:16.071 (1:16.071) 2:36.494 (1:20.423) 6 Alyssa Church SO Steelville 2:36.77 2:39.50 3 1:16.407 (1:16.407) 2:39.495 (1:23.088) 7 Tessa Scott FR Waynesville 2:42.14 2:44.74 2 1:16.590 (1:16.590) 2:44.734 (1:28.144) 8 Paige Spencer SO Iberia 2:47.31 2:52.82 1 1:22.517 (1:22.517) 2:52.819 (1:30.302) 9 Breann Church FR Steelville 2:45.02 2:53.72 1:24.200 (1:24.200) 2:53.717 (1:29.518) 10 Molly Phillips FR Macks Creek 2:49.32 2:53.92 1:23.002 (1:23.002) 2:53.916 (1:30.914) 11 Selena Smith FR Lebanon 2:54.03 1:22.062 (1:22.062) 2:54.024 (1:31.962) 12 Heather Leuthen SR Licking 3:03.79 3:12.15 1:31.217 (1:31.217) 3:12.142 (1:40.925) 13 Jaden Bryce SO Rolla 3:15.50 1:30.396 (1:30.396) 3:15.494 (1:45.098) 14 Noralee Chamberlain FR Iberia 3:37.22 3:37.91 1:39.355 (1:39.355) 3:37.901 (1:58.547) Event 32 (B) 800 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Colby Sanders SR West Plains 1:58.24 2:00.86 10 1:00.848 (1:00.848) 2:00.860 (1:00.012) 2 Caleb Boys SR West Plains 1:59.24 2:01.36 8 1:01.030 (1:01.030) 2:01.355 (1:00.325) 3 Victor Daos SR Waynesville 2:03.34 2:04.67 6 1:01.931 (1:01.931) 2:04.662 (1:02.732) 4 Tyler Hudson JR Liberty 2:08.77 2:05.29 5 1:02.382 (1:02.382) 2:05.283 (1:02.902) 5 Garrett Mason SR Camdenton 2:00.83 2:06.96 4 1:01.780 (1:01.780) 2:06.957 (1:05.178) 6 Justin Reiner JR Steelville 2:08.02 2:08.22 3 1:02.135 (1:02.135) 2:08.217 (1:06.083) 7 Keegan Black SR Licking 2:08.78 2:11.76 2 1:03.742 (1:03.742) 2:11.751 (1:08.009) 8 Benjamin Hauck FR Camdenton 2:20.54 2:12.01 1 1:03.751 (1:03.751) 2:12.008 (1:08.258) 9 Alejandro Malave FR Waynesville 2:17.14 2:16.01 1:05.068 (1:05.068) 2:16.010 (1:10.942) 10 Jarrett Huff FR Licking 2:17.44 2:17.33 1:07.156 (1:07.156) 2:17.330 (1:10.174) 11 Diego Jurado SO Liberty 2:17.36 2:22.34 1:07.437 (1:07.437) 2:22.333 (1:14.897) 12 Caleb Falzone SO Lebanon 2:17.37 2:23.14 1:05.287 (1:05.287) 2:23.131 (1:17.844) 13 Guadalupe Rodriguez FR Rolla 2:38.59 1:09.103 (1:09.103) 2:38.585 (1:29.482) 14 Aiden Poole FR Dixon 2:49.14 2:48.81 1:26.471 (1:26.471) 2:48.802 (1:22.332) 15 John Bramer FR Rolla 2:51.11 1:15.663 (1:15.663) 2:51.110 (1:35.447) 16 James Spradling FR Iberia 3:08.46 3:12.80 1:30.171 (1:30.171) 3:12.797 (1:42.627) Event 33 (G) 200 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Katheryne Blackman SR Camdenton 27.64 27.19 3 10 2 Astacia Garcia SO Waynesville 27.14 27.63 3 8 3 Kiara Waterman JR Lebanon 27.34 28.06 3 6 4 Yasmine Brashers FR West Plains 27.97 28.61 3 5 5 Makayla Hall SR Iberia 28.68 28.65 2 4 6 Jessica Boyer SR Liberty 28.89 28.78 2 3 7 Jasmine Williams SO West Plains 29.00 28.85 2 2 8 Laine Cottrell SO Steelville 28.16 28.87 3 1 9 Maggie Mebruer SO Lebanon 28.27 28.96 3 10 Destiny Peterson FR Waynesville 28.04 29.32 3 11 Tomi Rose SO Licking 28.34 29.44 3 12 Adriana Mayer FR Macks Creek 29.40 29.46 2 13 Autumn Miller FR Macks Creek 30.56 31.67 2 14 Alyssa Cash SO Dixon 31.97 32.19 2 15 Abigail Cole JR Licking 31.84 32.45 2 16 Madalyn Mcpherson SR Steelville 32.18 32.76 1 17 Danielle West FR Rolla 34.44 34.00 1 18 Patricia Monell SO Dixon 33.83 34.06 1 Event 34 (B) 200 M. D. =================================================================================== Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Kaiden Tripp JR Waynesville 23.04 23.22 3 10 2 Kaelen O'Connor JR Lebanon 23.08 23.24 3 8 3 Eli Griffin SO Camdenton 23.09 23.34 3 6 4 Cameron Cavalier SR Waynesville 23.74 23.80 3 5 5 Cainan Hutsell SR Licking 25.09 24.61 2 4 6 Marcus Wagner SR Lebanon 24.30 24.64 3 3 7 Xavier Ingram SO Liberty 24.23 24.66 3 2 8 Myles Coats JR Iberia 24.66 24.91 2 1 9 Ryan Brothers SR Iberia 25.24 25.13 2 10 John Zollman SO Dixon 25.84 25.48 1 11 Travin Weed SO Dixon 25.35 25.59 2 12 Xavier Reese FR Rolla 24.67 25.67 2 13 Seth Barton JR Steelville 25.39 26.05 2 14 Tanner Diaz JR Steelville 26.05 26.16 1 15 Wyatt Cox FR Rolla 26.85 1 16 Robert Richards FR Licking 28.51 27.45 1 17 Obediah Tower FR Macks Creek 26.26 27.69 1 18 Jonathan Ramirez JR Macks Creek 28.10 28.07 1 Event 35 (G) 3200 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Ally Kruger FR Liberty 11:51.29 11:21.39 10 1:21.286 (1:21.286) 2:52.553 (1:31.268) 4:15.703 (1:23.150) 5:40.098 (1:24.395) 7:05.489 (1:25.392) 8:32.824 (1:27.335) 9:58.842 (1:26.018) 11:21.386 (1:22.544) 2 Kaylee Hatley SR West Plains 11:50.05 11:50.60 8 1:20.936 (1:20.936) 2:52.351 (1:31.415) 4:23.119 (1:30.769) 5:55.989 (1:32.870) 7:27.481 (1:31.492) 8:57.748 (1:30.268) 10:27.003 (1:29.255) 11:50.592 (1:23.589) 3 Brayden Kantola FR West Plains 12:10.24 11:53.51 6 1:21.113 (1:21.113) 2:52.444 (1:31.332) 4:23.237 (1:30.793) 5:56.339 (1:33.103) 7:29.104 (1:32.765) 9:00.556 (1:31.452) 10:33.374 (1:32.819) 11:53.508 (1:20.134) 4 Madelyn Newsom JR Waynesville 12:32.72 12:15.44 5 1:22.056 (1:22.056) 2:53.453 (1:31.398) 4:27.203 (1:33.750) 6:03.407 (1:36.204) 7:38.909 (1:35.503) 9:14.067 (1:35.158) 10:49.959 (1:35.893) 12:15.431 (1:25.472) 5 Allie Gibbs SR Steelville 12:46.24 12:23.14 4 1:21.728 (1:21.728) 2:53.016 (1:31.288) 4:24.732 (1:31.717) 5:59.938 (1:35.207) 7:37.904 (1:37.967) 9:14.919 (1:37.015) 10:51.432 (1:36.513) 12:23.132 (1:31.700) 6 Hannah Rossman SO Liberty 12:49.10 12:36.82 3 1:23.504 (1:23.504) 2:56.366 (1:32.862) 4:28.959 (1:32.594) 6:03.142 (1:34.183) 7:40.864 (1:37.723) 9:19.352 (1:38.488) 10:59.773 (1:40.422) 12:36.816 (1:37.043) 7 Juliane Lopez FR Lebanon 12:48.39 12:42.96 2 1:21.251 (1:21.251) 2:52.701 (1:31.450) 4:25.096 (1:32.395) 6:03.441 (1:38.345) 7:45.017 (1:41.577) 9:26.518 (1:41.502) 11:09.116 (1:42.598) 12:42.953 (1:33.838) 8 Breann Church FR Steelville 13:09.24 13:20.20 1 1:25.177 (1:25.177) 3:04.908 (1:39.732) 4:45.854 (1:40.947) 6:30.128 (1:44.274) 8:17.299 (1:47.172) 9:57.714 (1:40.415) 11:43.578 (1:45.864) 13:20.191 (1:36.613) 9 MacKenzie McCurdy SO Waynesville 13:20.51 13:32.68 1:24.624 (1:24.624) 3:04.734 (1:40.110) 4:45.427 (1:40.693) 6:30.121 (1:44.694) 8:17.018 (1:46.898) 10:04.268 (1:47.250) 11:54.971 (1:50.703) 13:32.677 (1:37.707) Event 36 (B) 3200 M. R. ================================================================================ Name Year School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Zachary Finley JR West Plains 10:12.80 9:58.84 10 1:12.704 (1:12.704) 2:30.247 (1:17.543) 3:47.514 (1:17.268) 5:03.754 (1:16.240) 6:19.933 (1:16.179) 7:35.829 (1:15.897) 8:50.747 (1:14.918) 9:58.838 (1:08.092) 2 Riley Simpson SO West Plains 10:23.89 10:00.00 8 1:12.906 (1:12.906) 2:30.458 (1:17.553) 3:47.709 (1:17.252) 5:04.012 (1:16.303) 6:20.187 (1:16.175) 7:36.081 (1:15.894) 8:50.993 (1:14.913) 9:59.996 (1:09.003) 3 Bryan O'Barr SO Waynesville 10:14.03 10:12.81 6 1:12.923 (1:12.923) 2:30.399 (1:17.477) 3:47.667 (1:17.268) 5:04.162 (1:16.495) 6:20.723 (1:16.562) 7:37.942 (1:17.219) 8:56.868 (1:18.927) 10:12.804 (1:15.937) 4 Jake Thoenen JR Camdenton 10:35.31 10:43.30 5 1:13.112 (1:13.112) 2:30.606 (1:17.494) 3:47.827 (1:17.222) 5:04.247 (1:16.420) 6:24.501 (1:20.254) 7:53.186 (1:28.685) 9:20.593 (1:27.408) 10:43.294 (1:22.702) 5 Keegan Black SR Licking 11:01.24 11:03.52 4 1:13.976 (1:13.976) 2:33.086 (1:19.110) 3:54.604 (1:21.519) 5:21.261 (1:26.657) 6:49.963 (1:28.703) 8:17.917 (1:27.954) 9:45.034 (1:27.118) 11:03.511 (1:18.477) 6 Josh Rossman SO Liberty 11:03.93 3 1:18.417 (1:18.417) 2:39.219 (1:20.803) 4:02.598 (1:23.379) 5:29.137 (1:26.539) 6:55.557 (1:26.420) 8:20.771 (1:25.214) 9:47.368 (1:26.598) 11:03.924 (1:16.557) 7 Cael Schmitz SO Lebanon 11:17.81 11:12.10 2 1:17.042 (1:17.042) 2:40.033 (1:22.992) 4:02.994 (1:22.962) 5:29.509 (1:26.515) 6:57.522 (1:28.013) 8:25.018 (1:27.497) 9:53.736 (1:28.718) 11:12.092 (1:18.357) 8 Dylan Krisher SO Lebanon 11:20.21 11:12.77 1 1:17.073 (1:17.073) 2:40.031 (1:22.958) 4:02.982 (1:22.952) 5:29.519 (1:26.538) 6:57.584 (1:28.065) 8:25.291 (1:27.707) 9:53.846 (1:28.555) 11:12.761 (1:18.915) 9 Jonathan Rohlf FR Liberty 11:24.72 1:19.293 (1:19.293) 2:42.672 (1:23.379) 4:09.787 (1:27.115) 5:39.468 (1:29.682) 7:08.446 (1:28.978) 8:39.044 (1:30.599) 10:09.009 (1:29.965) 11:24.711 (1:15.702) 10 Jed Cosby SO Waynesville 11:27.24 11:28.69 1:17.471 (1:17.471) 2:40.638 (1:23.168) 4:07.419 (1:26.782) 5:37.076 (1:29.657) 7:06.856 (1:29.780) 8:36.141 (1:29.285) 10:04.712 (1:28.572) 11:28.684 (1:23.973) 11 Cole Hurd SO Steelville 11:56.02 11:54.61 1:19.316 (1:19.316) 2:46.078 (1:26.763) 4:16.141 (1:30.063) 5:49.706 (1:33.565) 7:24.618 (1:34.913) 9:01.249 (1:36.632) 10:35.303 (1:34.054) 11:54.607 (1:19.304) 12 Jacob Huff SO Licking 12:47.84 12:52.93 1:23.294 (1:23.294) 2:55.161 (1:31.867) 4:31.301 (1:36.140) 6:06.543 (1:35.243) 7:50.167 (1:43.624) 9:34.333 (1:44.167) 11:11.534 (1:37.202) 12:52.926 (1:41.392) Event 37 (G) 4x400 M. R. ================================================================================ School Seed Finals Points ================================================================================ 1 Lebanon 4:15.43 4:16.51 10 1) Avery Hays JR 2) Ashlynn Leochner JR 3) Mariah Mebruer SO 4) Jenna Glendenning JR 2:10.859 (2:10.859) 3:14.419 (1:03.560) 4:16.503 (1:02.084) 2 Liberty (Wentzville) 4:16.03 4:25.14 8 1) Megan Venturella FR 2) Toni Patterson SO 3) Megan Chambers JR 4) Adrienne Rockette FR 2:13.447 (2:13.447) 3:19.714 (1:06.268) 4:25.134 (1:05.420) 3 Waynesville 4:21.14 4:25.54 6 1) Amaya Wright SR 2) Makkah Mujahid SR 3) Afatia Poinsette SR 4) Astacia Garcia SO 2:11.586 (2:11.586) 3:19.304 (1:07.719) 4:25.538 (1:06.234) 4 West Plains 4:26.69 4:30.76 5 1) Cassidy Cunningham JR 2) Natalie Stewart FR 3) Sadie Hutchinson SO 4) Katie Sandgren FR 2:14.161 (2:14.161) 3:20.967 (1:06.807) 4:30.758 (1:09.792) 5 Steelville 4:35.68 4:42.82 4 1) Sydney Booker SO 2) Laine Cottrell SO 3) Lauren Davis FR 4) Alyssa Church SO 2:19.439 (2:19.439) 3:33.886 (1:14.447) 4:42.819 (1:08.934) 6 Rolla 5:10.97 5:17.14 3 1) Jaden Bryce SO 2) Brooke Dillon FR 3) Emma Taylor FR 4) Khuslen Munkhjargal FR 2:31.407 (2:31.407) 3:52.684 (1:21.278) 5:17.137 (1:24.453) Event 38 (B) 4x400 M. R. =================================================================================== School Seed Finals H# Points =================================================================================== 1 Lebanon 3:31.34 3:32.07 2 10 1) Tanner Roy JR 2) Cordell Zebel SO 3) Terrell Mebruer JR 4) Zach Jamieson JR 1:46.665 (1:46.665) 2:39.921 (53.257) 3:32.063 (52.142) 2 Liberty (Wentzville) 3:34.27 3:32.77 2 8 1) Kameron Davis SR 2) Tyler Hudson JR 3) Joseph Lopez SR 4) Jarrin McKeithen SR 1:48.450 (1:48.450) 2:40.970 (52.520) 3:32.770 (51.800) 3 West Plains 3:35.32 3:34.25 2 6 1) Teagan Adams SO 2) Wesley Laughary JR 3) Aiden Brigman FR 4) Colby Soulier SO 1:48.390 (1:48.390) 2:40.834 (52.444) 3:34.245 (53.412) 4 Waynesville 3:37.88 3:38.90 2 5 1) Jaylen Andrews JR 2) Danyl McCullough JR 3) Victor Daos SR 4) Earzabre Gibson FR 1:47.705 (1:47.705) 2:45.436 (57.732) 3:38.894 (53.458) 5 Camdenton 3:37.72 3:41.86 2 4 1) Jeremeya Bell JR 2) Talon Randazzo JR 3) Garrett Mason SR 4) Parker Wormek SO 1:53.278 (1:53.278) 2:49.410 (56.133) 3:41.854 (52.444) 6 Licking 3:42.24 3:51.84 2 3 1) Tyler Chambers SR 2) Joshua Lilly SR 3) Kasen Monds SR 4) Keegan Black SR 1:56.114 (1:56.114) 2:54.335 (58.222) 3:51.834 (57.499) 7 Rolla 3:57.47 3:58.37 1 2 1) Johnathan Carlson JR 2) Dathan Mickem JR 3) Dominick Womack SO 4) Connor Curtis SO 2:01.468 (2:01.468) 3:02.694 (1:01.227) 3:58.369 (55.675) 8 Steelville 3:49.06 3:59.04 1 1 1) Tanner Diaz JR 2) Justin Reiner JR 3) Gunner Merseal SR 4) Ty Merseal SO 2:00.784 (2:00.784) 3:02.477 (1:01.693) 3:59.037 (56.560) 9 Dixon 4:02.39 4:10.57 1 1) Braden Perry SR 2) Gabriel Lantz FR 3) Colby Marr SO 4) Cody Dalton SR 2:03.674 (2:03.674) 3:08.713 (1:05.039) 4:10.569 (1:01.857) (W) - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Waynesville 161 2) West Plains 127 3) Liberty (Wentzville) 115.50 4) Camdenton 91 5) Lebanon 78.50 6) Steelville 67 7) Licking 52 8) Iberia 26 9) Rolla 8 10) Macks Creek 2 11) Dixon 1 (M) - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored =============================================================================== 1) Waynesville 149 2) Camdenton 139 3) West Plains 128.50 4) Liberty (Wentzville) 98 5) Lebanon 76 6) Steelville 45 7) Licking 44 8) Iberia 30 9) Dixon 12.50 10) Rolla 9
