Winn & Walker climbing baseball ranks together


The Springfield Cardinals are home to a pair of the organization’s top prospects, one of those being shortstop Masyn Winn. 

Winn’s only been with the Spring Birds for half the summer but is making his presence known.  

Ever since arriving in Springfield in late May, Masyn Winn has given the Springfield Cardinals a one-two punch of star power with Jordan Walker. 

“He’s confident about everything, he knows how to do it, and when he does it it’s truly special,” Springfield third baseman Jordan Walker said.

Special, a proper way to explain Cardinal’s top 5 prospect Masyn Winn. 

“Defensively he’s been outstanding,” Spring Birds manager Jose Leger said.  

Winn’s known for his defense and his arm, but a strong arm at shortstop isn’t surprising considering he was drafted a pitcher.  

“I did both my whole life, I’ve always loved pitching and I’ve had a pretty decent arm but we talked to the Cardinals and decided let’s just stick to shortstop and try to focus on that and maybe my offensive categories will take off a little bit,” said Winn.  

Since being called up to Springfield, Winn is averaging a hit per game. 

“He battles, he puts the ball in play and he runs well,” added Leger.  

Winn seems comfortable in Springfield, that’s in large part because of the Cardinal’s top prospect, and fellow 20-year-old Jordan Walker.  

“We’ve played a lot together. We got drafted together in the 2020 draft and then playing in low-A then high-A together and now here,” Winn said.  

“Excitement is too much of an understatement. Ever since then it’s always been smiles. It’s been smiles, it’s been happiness,” Walker said.  

“They’re always together, they’re always in the cages all the time together talking baseball, talking hitting having a good time, having a good laugh,” Leger added.

Their bond has helped them both earn a spot in the Future’s game during All-Star weekend in Los Angeles.   

“Going to the future’s game with him is really exciting, we’re both really excited we’ve been talking about it all week and we’re ready to go,” Walker said.  

“It’s like really a dream come true I think the next step is really the show {MLB},” said Winn.  

Being top prospects, Masyn Winn and Jordan Walker could find themselves in St. Louis with the Cardinals any day. However, according to the infielders are expected to get called up to the big league birds in the next couple of years.  

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