Springfield Public Schools Athletic Director Josh Scott confirmed to KY3 Sports and OzarksSportsZone.com that Parkview and Hillcrest have petitioned to join the newly formed Ozark Mountain Conference.
No announcement has been made by the Ozark Mountain Conference at this time as to a decision on the petition.
In addition, a post made to the Neosho Public Schools Facebook page indicates that the Ozark Mountain Conference has reached out to Neosho about interest in joining the conference.
Neosho also mentioned Willard in the Facebook post. Willard Director of Communications and Public Relations Heather Michael sent the following statement to KY3 Sports and OzarksSportsZone.com: “Over the last two weeks, several conversations have taken place regarding conference realignment. While we have been a part of those conversations, we have not petitioned to join the OMC”
A timetable on decisions for this round of conference realignment are currently unclear.