2024 Fall Preview: Willow Springs Volleyball


By Chris Parker

Willow Springs volleyball took a big step forward last season going from 11 wins in 2022 to 21 wins last season. It was the most for the program since 2017.

The leap forward can be attributed to consistency according to head coach Christina Collins.

“Our program was lacking consistency for the team. Since Coach Jackson left our program in 2017 until 2020 we had two different coaches with different styles making the girls learning new programs all over again,” Collins said. “Since 2020, they have had the same program and know what is expected of them. This has allowed the girls to focus on becoming better players and teammates.”

Sydney Stuart returns for her junior season after leading Willow Springs in kills (262) and digs (337).

“Sydney Stuart is one of those players that has a natural talent for the game,” Collins said. “With that being said, she has worked very hard to become the player that she is. She is always working on her game year-round. She plays club ball on the off season. Syd has a very high volleyball IQ and knows where players are on the opposite side of the court and when to swing hard or tip the ball to open spots. Syd will have two different roles on the team this year, outside hitter and back row setter.”

Aleisha Shanks (senior libero), Karson Gilbert (senior middle), Paisley Crudgington (junior middle), Zoey Holmes (senior outside hitter), Hynlie Johnson (senior setter), Alexis Sigman (sophomore outside hitter), Emma Grogan (junior back row) and Zoey Bryan (junior back row) all return for Willow Springs.

Collins on Shanks: “Aleisha Shanks will be returning as our libero. She will be a senior with lots of experience in our back court. She can read hitters very well and her quickness allows her to cover the whole back court. She makes saves that most libero couldn’t get. I have high expectations for her this year.”

Collins on Gilbert: “Karson Gilbert plays middle for us. Karson has led the team in blocks for two years now and was 46th in top blockers for the 2023 volleyball season. Karson plays a very big role for the team at the net.”

Collins on Crudgington: “Paisley Crudgington is our other middle and has started since her freshman year. Paisley was out the last half of the season last year but still ended the season team stats third in kills and second in blocks. If Paisley stays healthy this year, she will contribute to the team with her hitting and blocking ability. Paisley has the ability to kill the ball while keeping an open eye for tipping to the open spot.”

Collins on Holmes: “Zoey Holmes plays outside hitter for us and has a very powerful swing. If she can keep them in consistently, she will be hard to stop. Zoey has one of the best attitudes on and off the volleyball court. She is always positive and cheers on her teammates whether she is on the court or sidelines.”

Collins on Johnson: “Hynlie Johnson will play a different role this year being our other setter. Last year, she played outside defensively for the team. I was concerned heading into summer not knowing who our other setter was going to be since we graduated our setter last year, but she has adjusted to her new role very well this summer keeping chemistry with the hitters. This established chemistry allows her to focus on getting the ball to the right hitter at the right time.”

Collins on Sigman: “Alexis Sigman plays outside hitter. She is our youngest player on the varsity team but has lots of experience from last year. Alexis had to move from outside hitter to middle last year when Paisley was out. Lexi is not easily intimidated on the court. When she gets blocked, she doesn’t let it affect her game but instead it brings out a competitive fire in her.”

Collins on Grogan and Bryan: “Grogan and Zoey played back row last year and will keep their same role this year. They are very good passers to have on the team. I can put either one of them in and know they will do their job in the back court.”

Seniors McKenzie Collins, Gabbie Beltz, Chelsea Wake and Allison McDonough will be newcomers to varsity.

Coach Collins on McKenzie Collins: “New to the team is McKenzie Collins with no varsity experience but will make a difference on the net for the team. McKenzie is not one of our tallest girls but has the ability to jump very high. Her job this year is to help block the outside hitter.”

Coach Collinson Beltz: “Gabbie Beltz played setter for the JV team last year but has a different row for varsity. She will be a defense specialist for us this year. She has worked hard on her new role this summer and has made a difference in our passing game.”

Coach Collins on Wake: “Chelsea Wake will play outside hitter or a serving specialist. Chelsea is a very hard worker and is always trying to improve her game. When it comes to her serving game, I can always count on her getting the ball in play while hitting spots.”

Coach Collins on McDonough: “Allison McDonough will play outside hitter. Allison has the ability to play front or back row. She has a great personality which helps us strengthen our team chemistry. She is a player that will fill any spot at any time without complaining.”

That chemistry is something that will be evident for Willow Springs.

“Chemistry will be our biggest strength this year,” Collins said. “These girls all get along on and off the court. My saying is: ‘It’s hard to beat a team that is actually a team’. This saying is deeper than just being a team. I feel this year we are closer to a true team than we have been in my four years at Willow. These girls have played with each other enough that they have come to understand one another. Which helps them know who is going to be aggressive or pass aggressive on the court.”

Willow Springs will travel to Houston for a jamboree on Aug. 29 with Cabool and the host Tigers. The Lady Bears open the season on Sept. 3 at West Plains.

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