2024 Fall Preview: New Covenant Volleyball


By Chris Parker

New Covenant volleyball won 29 matches last season, which was the first time the program won more than 20 matches since 2018. It is also the most matches New Covenant has won since MSHSAA started keeping records online in 2009.

Things will look a little different this season after graduating three seniors including setter Hattie Hesemann who is now playing for Missouri State. The other major difference will be the conference. New Covenant is moving from the Mark Twain Conference to the newly formed Greater Ozarks Conference featuring Billings, Crane, Greenwood, Marion C. Early (non-volleyball), New Covenant Academy and Pleasant Hope.

“I have greatly enjoyed being a part of the Mark Twain Conference and building good relationships with the coaches,” New Covenant head coach Lindsey Letsinger said. “I will miss working alongside them, but I am looking forward to what this new season and new conference has in store. I believe working with this new group of coaches and teams will bring good challenges and help us build our program even more.”

While three seniors who saw action in almost every varsity set last season do depart, there is plenty of talent returning.

Leading the way is Ashlynn Mason who was a first-team all-conference selection as a junior after she led the Warriors in kills (236) and blocks (71). She will play middle.

“Ashlynn is a great attacker because she is calm, smart, and a little surprising because of her size. She works hard and is confident in knowing and executing what she does well,” Letsinger said. “Ashlynn was a phenomenal leader, on and off the court, last season. Her presence on the court just brings a collective calmness to the team. I expect her to be one of our leaders in hitting, as well as improve her blocking percentage from last season.”

Audrey Mouery was a defensive ace for New Covenant as a sophomore leading the team in serve receptions (606) and digs (396). This season, she will look to impact the game in even more ways.

“Audrey has a passion for the sport. She loves the challenge of getting every ball off of the court and being better in the next play,” Letsinger said. “We are looking at shifting her role this season by making her a six-rotation player, which would put her on the front row which is a position she is not new to, but something she hasn’t played at the varsity level yet. We have no doubt that she will rise to the challenge and have a successful season.”

Addison Cuquet (junior middle/right side), Gracie Whalen (senior OH) and Audrey Cannefax (senior RS) round out the returning players who all saw action in more than 100 varsity sets last season.

Letsinger on Cuquet: “As of right now, Addison is our most improved over the summer. Her hitting and blocking are unlike what we saw last season, so we are excited to see what all she is going to bring to the front row this season.”

Letsinger on Whalen: “Gracie was one of our top leaders in kills last season. She is a natural leader and has gone above and beyond during the summer to not only improve her individual skills, but to make teammates feel welcomed and bring our team closer together. We have great expectations for her this season.”

Letsinger on Cannefax: “Audrey brings a unique style to the game. Basketball is her passion, and it’s fun to see those skills bleed over into the sport of volleyball. She is a quiet leader, a fierce competitor, and has a good block. We’re looking forward to watching her continue to grow this season.”

Addison Crain (junior setter), Jenna Jackson (sophomore libero), Liviah Grant (senior middle/right side) and Addy Mouery (freshman setter) will be newcomers to the varsity level.

Letsinger on Crain: “Addison found her love for the game during junior high ball. She is smart, quick with her hands, and will be a great asset to us this season.”

Letsinger on Jackson: “Jenna saw a little bit of court time at the varsity level last season, but she will be seen a lot this season. Her defense is strong, her demeanor while the ball is in play is calm, and her joy for the sport is contagious. She has a natural ability to read the ball well and get it up quickly and consistently.”

Letsinger on Grant: “Liviah plays with great confidence, and we have no doubt that that will spill over onto the court this season. She has a strong swing and a big block, so we are looking forward to seeing what all she brings to the front row this year.”

Letsinger on Mouery: “Addy is an athlete and a competitor. She is fun to watch during competition, but also during practices as she challenges herself and others to be better than they were the day before.”

New Covenant will travel to Galena for a jamboree on Aug. 29 before opening the regular season on Aug. 30 at home against Everton.

“Our biggest strength this season, I believe, will be the unity that we have coming out of our summer workouts,” Letsinger said. “The girls are having fun with each other and working hard for each other, so I know that will help us as move into and through our season.”

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